
Senest opdateret 19.07 2024


Teacher . Author . Editor . Speaker . Member of Danish Author's Society (DFF) . Sister, aunt, mother, fostermother, grandmother . Publisher from 1993: Landtryk ('Country Print') . Chairwoman 2000-2006 of the group of authors and illustrators of Children's Literature in DFF . Member 2000-2009 of the executive committee of DFF . Editor of social page 2007-2017 at Skolemaelk.dk . Member 2007-2013 of the board of representatives at Danish Arts Fundation . Member of the board of IBBY Denmark 2018-2022 . Geographical multitasking . And ...


  • 1974-now    Author of more than 50 books. Adult & Children's non-fiction and fiction literature
  • 2018-           Publisher at my own publishing house, LANDTRYK
  • 2018-2022   Member of the executive committee of  IBBY Denmark (International Board on Books for Young People)
  • 2017            One of two candidates in the election as chairwoman of Danish Author's Society. Got 209 votes against the winners 285
  • 2007-2017   Editor of social page on parental guidance at www.skolemaelk.dk
  • 2007-2013   Member of the board of representatives at Danish Arts Fundation as  representative of Children's Literature. Appointed by Danish Author's Society and Danish Fiction Writer's Society
  • 2011-2012   Lived in Australia 6 months in total
  • 2006-2011   Lived i Berlin up to five wintermonths each year. Learned German
  • 2000-2009   Member of the executive committee of Danish Author's Society
  • 2007-2008   Member of the committee for examination of the cultural-political state of  literature as representative of the authors. Appointed by the Danish Culture Minister, Brian Mikkelsen
  • 2000-2006   Chairman of the group of authors and illustrators of Children's Literature in Danish Author's Society
  • 1993-2009   Publisher at my own publishing house, LANDTRYK
  • 1992            Foster mother to a girl, 10 years old
  • 1986-2003   Editor and Consultant at various publishing houses
  • 1987-1997   Translator of children's books from Norwegian, Swedish, English and German
  • 1985-1995   Editor and journalist at youth newspaper Samtid ('Contemporaries')
  • 1988-1991   Editor of children's magazine Kloden Drejer ('The Planet is spinning')
  • 1984            Lived at Gomera (Canary Islands) for 3 months. Learned Spanish
  • 1980            Sailing at the sailing vessel 'Nordkaperen' from Denmark to Corfu, Greece
  • 1979-1981   Sailing and living at the ketch 'Shearwater' in the Mediterranian Sea as a captain and a deckhand
  • 1971-1979   Teacher at public schools and at pedagogical college
  • 1973             Gave birth to a daughter
  • 1971             Finished education as a teacher
  • 1947             Born i Aarhus, Denmark